
Produced while on residency at the Bosch Gmbh Advanced Engineering Research Campus in Renningen, Germany.

Decrypted: https://schloss-post.com/rotating-divinatory-hexagrams/

What can structuralist film strategies offer in the age of machine vision?

DTML in the exhibition New Technological Art Award at Zebrastraat, Ghent, Belgium, 2019

Making of video by Hagen Betzweiser:

Text: Open Codes @ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2018: https://zkm.de/en/deep-time-machine-learning

DTML discovers geospeculative histories of the digital, through the octagonal 'mirror staging' of an intelligent robots genealogy. It locates the ongoing troubled relationships between obsolete human societies within an archeo-computational axis that has failed to produce justice, health or equality in the inflated and precarious 21st century's breakdown.

"With a view to developments in robotics and artificial intelligence, the Committee on Legal Affairs deemed it time for the European Union to take action in respect of the legal and ethical issues raised by these new technologies".[1]

Screened at:
Recontres Internationales Paris/Berlin: Contemporary Moving Images, 2019
Istanbul Exerimental Film Festival, 2019
New Technological Art Award (Finalist), Zebrastraat, Ghent, Belgium, 2019
EU Commission Meetings with STARTS in Vienna and Sofia, 2018
ZKM ‘Open Codes: Living in Digital Worlds’ exhibition, Karlsruhe, 2017-2018 

Deep Time Machine Learning is crucially punctuated with excerpts from the EU Commission to Civil Law Rules on Robotics, 2017:
1. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/571379/IPOL_STU%282016%29571379_EN.pdf


© All images are copyright Jol Thoms. Texts copyright Jol Thoms and the respective authors.